We take a look back at this year's Vegas show
The NAB show in Las Vegas is a mighty machine; with nearly 2,000 exhibitors and over 100,000 attendees coming from over 160 countries making it the must-attend M&E industry event.Atempo is a regular at NAB. This year we spoke with our long-standing customers, met potential future customers and discussed with our technical alliance partners. (Atempo even had some dedicated space this year on DDN Storage and on Scality booths.)
Atempo's flagship broadcast and media archive solution, ADA was at the forefront once again with the latest major release on show (v.4.0).
But a major difference this year was the introduction of new features which take ADA way beyond archiving and firmly into the domain of data backup, data copy management and data synchronization.
This major technological addition to our solutions was warmly received by the visitors to our booth. M&E of course traditionally generates massive data volumes. Archiving these volumes is crucial; backing up, moving and synchronizing are equally important for our clients...
We also had a lot of interest from DIVArchive customers keen to learn that Atempo can leverage their existing tape library and existing LTO tapes and provide partial file restore.
Atempo customers often handle extremely large files sometimes alongside hundreds of millions of small files which transit between petabyte storages. Atempo Data Movers each handle several GB/s in highly parallelized and multi-threaded environments.
Being storage-vendor agnostic is in Atempo's DNA. You choose the primary and secondary storage and we handle the rest. Atempo can back up to disk, tape, S3-type cloud object storage.
Daily changes on large volumes files means that scanning a scale-out NAS for changes can take time. Atempo leverages a mix of its proprietary FastScan technology and SnapShot features on NAS or parallel file systems to manage new and modified files. ACLs are always fully respected.
NDMP solutions reach their upper limits typically around 100 TB. Atempo's inbuilt Incremental Forever backups ensure consistent and rapid data backup movement.
Similarly to ADA backups, Atempo moves your chosen data sets between a wide range of supported source and target platforms including : GPFS, Lustre, Isilon, StorNext, Panasas, DDN, Qumulo, Windows, Mac OS, Linux.
Rapid I/O performances: Atempo's adaptive read/write mechanism delivers the perfect balance between production throughput and the migration process fully respecting data integrity (including symlinks and ACLs).
Our migration services start at volumes in excess of 200 TB (or 250 million files) and we often move many petabytes for our customers.
Atempo incorporates full automation, load balancing and macro and micro-level reporting. We scale the power of our tools with our multi-stream, multi-threaded Atempo Data Movers. We fit into your production and business constraints, not the other way around.
If you have a multi-site environment with massive unstructured data sets to synchronize regularly, ADA is the perfect fit. ADA’s synchronization jobs run automatically and frequently and minimize the differences between storage targets, whatever storage platforms you use.
Atempo's FastScan capability rapidly collects lists of changed & new files on NAS and shared or parallel file systems. Even with billions of files on your petabyte-scale storage with as much as 5% daily changes, your storage remains fully synced! Network issues become a thing of the past with our load-balancing, multi-threaded data moving capacity.
You decide what needs syncing. It could be only modified files "replicated" to another storage. Deleted files can be ignored or included in the target storage sync. ADA handles one-directional or bi-directional synchronizations.
Basically, you decide and then let ADA's army of Data Movers handle the rest!
#4 DIVArchive customers switching to ADA
Atempo was keen to talk to Front Porch DIVArchive customers at NAB since Oracle took over the solution. Why? Simply because ADA is a perfect fit for a replacement!
We were able to discuss with Front Porch customers who often use top-end storage and LTO tapes to archive their data. The issue is clearly to ensure their current equipment continues to serve and to archive priceless data consistently and for the long term.
ADA fits the bill as a replacement option. We go even further by adding other features such as archive to cloud, object, and multiple disk-tiers. As explained above, ADA also goes beyond archiving. This was the message we broadcast at NAB and one we hope all our customers, present and future, will take home from Vegas!